Lijst van veranderingen
- Added map markers for Lankinen stories and taxi ranks
- Added Monrepos text (PDF) in swedish
- Corrections made to some blocks
- Rendered images of summer 2017 modelings added to blocks Kauppatori, Pyöreä torni, LN1 Kauppahalli, LN4, LN5, LN6, LN7, LN8, LN9, LN10 (Torkkelinpuisto), LN11 (Keskuskasarmit), LN13 (Viipurin kirjasto), LN14, LN19, LN24, RE1, RE4, RE5
- Renamed Shop to E-Book. Now the e-book can be downloaded for free.
- Link to Buildings page added to front page. Link to Letter from Viipuri removed from the same spot. It is now found in Extras menu.
- Rendered images of summer 2016 modelings added earlier.
- Rendered images of summer 2015 modelings added to blocks RE24, SL1, SL2, SL3, Salakkalahdenpuisto
- Panoramas of summer 2015 modelings added to blocks SL1, SL2, SL3
- Added new feature to map: marker-button now opens a menu where marker locations can be selected ("Sights", "Panoramas" or "None")
- Panorama moved from block Rautatieasema to block Asema-aukio
- Rendered images of summer 2014 modelings added to blocks Eliaan kirkko, Espilä ja soittolava, Kauppatori, Kolmikulman puisto, LN18, LN28, Pietari-Paavalin ruotsalais-saksalainen kirkko, PL1, PL5, PL8, PL9, PL12, PL13, PL14, PL15, PL16, PL17, Preobrazhenskin katedraali, Punaisenlähteentori, Pyöreä torni, RE1, RE2, RE3, RE8, RE9, RE10, RE13, RE14, RE15, RE16, RE18, RE19, RE22, RE24, Salakkalahdenpuisto, SL1, Taidemuseo ja -koulu
- Panoramas of summer 2014 modelings added to blocks Kauppatori, Kolmikulman puisto, PL1, PL5, RE13 (2 kpl), RE14, Paraatikenttä, Punaisenlähteentori, Raatihuoneentori, Rautatieasema, Ravintola Espilä ja soittolava, Taidemuseo ja -koulu
- Added district descriptions in Russian
- Default map mode changed to minimalistic version of the map. Original version of the map added as a new mode
- Shop-page opened
- Historical presentations -page and subpages added
- Credits-page added
- Panoramas of summer 2013 modelings added to blocks HA2, HA3, HA4, LN15, LN24, LN25
- New map features added: scale, compass and modeling history -mode
- New stories added: Girlhood Days, Saariston konepaja, Suomalainen Viipuri 1935-1944, Viipuri 1941-1944, Viipursaurus
- Blockmaps added to blocks TL8, TL16, LN34-35
- New image captions added to blocks KV35, LN15, LN17, LN19, LN24, LN25, LN26, LN32, LN33-34, LN36, LN37, Pohjoissatama, PS1 ja RE4
- Myllysaari block added (Images moved from block IM6)
- Lots of new translations added